Saturday, April 24, 2010


Ok so ive recently started watching this new show called "The Vampire Diaries" and OMG its awesome... (i knowww... I sound like an over excited 15 year old.. but i cant help it =p) I am completely in love with the main characters of the show (Stefan and Demon Salvatore.. sigh!)

Ive always been in to vampire stories. I find them fascinating. sometimes i even wish they were real (odd?) LOL! anyway my favorite Vampire movie would be "An interview with a vampire" (Brad pitt, Tom Cruise, Antonio Bandares, Christen Slater... sigh sigh!!) and I absolutely loved "bram stoker's dracula"

But mostly im more in to TV shows... There was this one show called "moonlight" which was pretty amazing as well... but unfortunately the show got cancelled after the 1st season.. though i think if they had continued it would have been spectacular.. cuz the story was just starting to develop... and I imagined 'more interesting'... but hey! thats just me i guess...

Talking on this subject and not mention "Twilight" would come out as a bit wired to some people... so i might as well say it! "I DID NOT LIKE TWILIGHT" I did enjoy the book.. but hey.. the movie did not live up to my expectations.. =/

Well thats about it for now... my blabbing about vampires... lol... toodles!!


  1. I don't like Vampires. Twilight sucks donkey ass as well :|

  2. twilight does suck donkey ass... but hey.. i still like vampires.. always have :P

  3. enough about vampires, that's one HOT scene!!! errr did i just weird you out??

  4. youve gotta do better than that to weird me out! =p
