ok so the point of blogging was not to bored anyone who reads it to death!!!
but hey Im only human!!! and tonight Im not feeling all too jolly!!! =(
so if you are to read on... im warning you!! stop now... following will be a lot of blabbing on my part!! alot of nonsense!!! most of which even im gonna have to read back and wonder if it really was me who wrote all that!!!
Ive had this account open since may 2008... now thats a long time eh? so why start writing now? to tell you the truth till now i could handle all the weird things that makes up my life!! but now i need to vent some how!!! and im hoping this works!!! blah blah blah blah..... i knowwwwwwwww.....
so what was i saying??? oh yeah! well... ive had a super vacation last week!!! and now im back home.. to my NORMAL everyday routine (in other words BORING) life. a life where everyone expects me to be this perfect person which i am not from a looooooooooong shot!! these expectations are going to kill me one day!!! sometimes i feel like disappearing in to thin air!! how cool would that be i we could actually do it? but im just an ordinary human being!!!
im screaming im my mind right now!!! maybe im goin crazy!!! why am i having such a hard time gtting out wot im feeling!!! i feel handicapped!!! dont want to write no more!!! good night cruel world!!!
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